Join the following sentences without using 'and', 'but', 'so' or 'because':

1- I believe the dealer to be honest. I bought a TV from him.

2- I have engaged a private tutor. He will coach my daughter in Mathematics.

3- Aurangzeb got his brothers killed. Hewas the son of Shahjahan.

4- The sun set. We stopped for the night.

5- The train is very late. This is unusual.

6- My uncle was elected president. There was very strong opposition to him.

7- The day became hot. I went home soon.

8- The king gained a victory. The king ruled over Mewar.

9- Come in the garden. Pick some flowers.

10- He inherited a large property. He never enjoyed peace of mind.

11- Pollution levels are increasing. Many children are getting sick.

12- Dick met me. I gave him the document.

13- The injury was not serious. She went on leave for a week.

14- She slipped out of class. The professor was delivering a lecture.

15- Professor noticed that Beenu was confused. He came to her rescue.

16- Dr Srivastava is a very senior surgeon. He is also very popular.

17- You should attend the ceremony. You will not be given a certificate.

18- Mohan reached the station. The train was moving out.

19- He is the best striker. He could not score a goal.

20- Anita reached the club. We were to meet there.

21- Parag composed a beautiful melody. It became a hit.

22- He is very clever. He cannot be deceived.

23- Mahadev was a goldsmith. He was teased by the people of the village.

24- Baldev reached the playground. He was punctual.

25- Midas was a greedy king.He lived to regret his greed for gold.

1- Since I believe the dealer to be honest, I bought a TV from him.

2- I have engaged a private tutor who will coach my daughter in Mathematics.

3- Aurangzeb, the son of Shahjahan, got his brothers killed.

4- As the sun set, we stopped for the night.

5- It is unusual for the train to be very late.

6- Despite strong opposition to him, my uncle was elected president.

7- As the day became hot, I went home soon.

8- The king ruled over Mewar after gaining a victory.

9- Come in the garden to pick some flowers.

10- Though he inherited a large property, he never enjoyed peace of mind.

11- With the increase in pollution levels, many children are getting sick.

12- I gave Dick the document on meeting him.

13- Though the injury was not serious, she went on leave for a week.

14- She slipped out of class while the professor was delivering a lecture.

15- The professor came to Beenu's rescue on noticing that she was confused.

16- Besides being a very senior surgeon, Dr Srivastava is also very popular.

17- Unless you attend the ceremony, you will not be given a certificate.

18- Mohan reached the station when the train was moving out.

19- He is the best striker yet he could not score a goal.

20- Anita reached the club where we were to meet.

21- Parag composed a beautiful melody which became a hit.

22- He is too clever to be deceived.

23- Mahadev, a goldsmith, was teased by the people of the village.

24- Baldev was punctual in reaching the playground.

25- Midas was a greedy king who lived to regret his greed for gold.


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