1- She is too innocent to be at fault. Use- so 2- He heard the noise and immediately went to inspect. Begin- On........ 3- As soon as he reached the school, he feigned to be ill. Begin (i)- No sooner........ Begin (ii)- Hardly.......... 4- He asked Sumita, " Have you walked alone, this long distance today?" Change to Reported Speech 5- The detective interrogated the suspect closely for over three hours. Begin- The suspect.......... 6- The room was too small for the three of us to share. Use- so 7- Tanuja is a very friendly girl and is always cheerful. Begin- Besides........ 8- He went to the library and to the bank. Begin- Not only.......... 9- Though he is a rich man, he is very humble. Begin- In spite........... 10- Sneha returned to her hostel a week ago. Begin- It has been......... 11- She has probably forgotten her admit card at home. Begin- In.......... 12- Had I not helped her, she would not have...