
Showing posts from April, 2018


1- She is too innocent to be at fault. Use- so 2- He heard the noise and immediately went to inspect. Begin- On........ 3- As soon as he reached the school, he feigned to be ill. Begin (i)- No sooner........ Begin (ii)- Hardly.......... 4- He asked Sumita, " Have you walked alone, this long distance today?"  Change to Reported Speech 5- The detective interrogated the suspect closely for over three hours. Begin- The suspect.......... 6- The room was too small for the three of us to share.  Use- so 7- Tanuja is a very friendly girl and is always cheerful. Begin- Besides........ 8- He went to the library and to the bank. Begin- Not only.......... 9- Though he is a rich man, he is very humble. Begin- In spite........... 10- Sneha returned to her hostel a week ago. Begin- It has been......... 11- She has probably forgotten her admit card at home. Begin- In.......... 12- Had I not helped her, she would not have


1- We never imagined that she would win the prize. Begin- Little.......... 2- Although he was used to bad weather, the pilot became nervous in the storm. Begin (i)- In spite........ Begin (ii)- Despite....... 3- If he is not fit, he won't play next month. Begin- Unless......... 4- As soon as I lifted the load, I felt a pain in my back. Begin (i)- No sooner.......... Begin (ii)- Hardly........ 5- He managed to pay off all his debts, as well as make a big profit last year. Begin- Not only.......... 6- My brother has a heavy built yet he is quite light on his feet. Begin- In spite............ 7- Write neatly or I will refuse to read your work. Begin- If........... 8- The policeman said, "If you don't open the door, I will break it down." Reported speech. (Change the narration) 9- She is going to marry Peter. Use- married 10- If you do this in a hurry, you will make a mistake. Begin- To avoid........... 11- She has difficulty in saving


1- Try as he will, he can't beat me at tennis. Begin- However.......... 2- Must you close the piano with a bang? Begin- Do.......... 3- I did everything to persuade Ashok to come with us, but had no success. Begin- Nothing.......... 4- I am ashamed I behaved rather badly yesterday. Begin- I must apologize........... 5- She went nowhere without her faithful guard dog. Begin- Her........... 6- Although Ramesh is poor, he is dishonest. Begin- Poor as.......... 7- That is all I know of the case. Begin- Beyond that, ........... 8- Prakash was not at all sorry for what he had done, he actually looked quite pleased. Begin- Far from......... 9- I saw you in the market yesterday. Use Question Tag 10- Godhuli was most interested in music. Begin- Nothing...... 11- Come what may, we will go tomorrow. Begin- Whatever........ 12- He never stole again after he was caught once. Begin- Having........ 13- As soon as the train arrived, the passengers crowded in


1- He told his friends that he had decided to retire. Begin- He told his friends of.......... 2- But for his weakness in Maths, Alok would have topped the class. Begin- Had........... 3- He shouldn't pull the cat's tail. Begin- He ought........... 4- As soon as the alarm rings, Ramesh gets up. Begin (i)- No sooner.......... Begin (ii)- Hardly........... 5- Anil suggested to us that we take the day off and go fishing. Begin- Anil said......... 6- The passengers did not know it, but they had only eighteen minutes to escape. Begin- Little.......... 7- He boasted that he had never been ill all his life. Begin- He boasted of.......... 8- The fire had been raging for 30 minutes before it was discovered. Begin- The fire was not discovered......... 9- He walked to the crossroads hoping to get a taxi there. Begin- He walked to the crossroads in the......... 10- As soon as he had started shaving, the lights went out. Begin (i)- No sooner.......... Begin (


Certain nouns, adjectives and verbs followed by prepositions have a different meaning. The following alphabetically arranged list illustrates this. Source- ICSE English Grammar & Composition by Xavier Pinto

STRINGS Program- 1

Write a program in JAVA to enter a string and convert all uppercase characters to lowercase and all lowercase characters to uppercase. For example: INPUT:       InTElligENt   OUTPUT:   iNteLLIGenT


   The Merchant Of Venice Workbook by Xavier Pinto and Pamela Pinto is a one-stop solution for all practice related problems. It is an excellent workbook to practice references to contexts before one appears for the final board examinations. For those of you who have a problem in framing proper answers or do not know how to go about on certain questions, I have done some research on the internet and have dug out the answers to the workbook. Given below is a link that will redirect you towards A TEACHER'S HANDBOOK FOR THE MERCHANT OF VENICE . Simply reading the answers will give you a fair idea of how to answer Shakespeare based questions. Do go through the link. LINK:


Join the following sentences without using 'and', 'but', 'so' or 'because': 1- I believe the dealer to be honest. I bought a TV from him. 2- I have engaged a private tutor. He will coach my daughter in Mathematics. 3- Aurangzeb got his brothers killed. Hewas the son of Shahjahan. 4- The sun set. We stopped for the night. 5- The train is very late. This is unusual. 6- My uncle was elected president. There was very strong opposition to him. 7- The day became hot. I went home soon. 8- The king gained a victory. The king ruled over Mewar. 9- Come in the garden. Pick some flowers. 10- He inherited a large property. He never enjoyed peace of mind. 11- Pollution levels are increasing. Many children are getting sick. 12- Dick met me. I gave him the document. 13- The injury was not serious. She went on leave for a week. 14- She slipped out of class. The professor was delivering a lecture. 15- Professor noticed that Beenu was confu


Join the following sentences without using 'and', 'but', 'so' or 'because': 1- My mother was very much delighted. She had heard of my father's safe arrival. 2- It was a very busy day. I could not find time to have a talk with my friend. 3- I gave him a rupee. He blessed me.  4- He refused to listen to their proposals. His refusal was firm. 5- The Sikh power fell to pieces. Ranjit Singh's reign was over. 6- Many are interviewed. Few are chosen. 7- We heard that the enemy was approaching. This news alarmed us. 8- The nation cannot be poor. Truth is valued there above everything else. 9- The wolf fell. He died there at once. 10- John is a clever child. The other children are not so clever. 11- Humayun was defeated. He fled from the battle on his horse. 12- Julius Caesar was murdered. He was a great Roman general statesman. 13- Swati received my note. She sent her reply within a week. 14- Ronit is intelligent. His frie

SWITCH CASE Program- 1

Write a menu driven program in JAVA to perform the following operations 1-Palindrome number  A palindrome number is a number that reads the same backwards as forwads For example: Forwards -5556555 Backwards- 5556555 2-Perfect number A perfect number is a number that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors. For example: 28 Sum of proper divisors : 1+2+4+7+14 = 28

PATTERN Program- 4

Write a program in JAVA to print the following pattern 12345 12341 12312 12123 11234

PATTERN Program- 3

Write a program in JAVA to print the following pattern 54321 5432 543 54 5

PATTERN Program- 2

Write a program in JAVA to print the following pattern 1 12 123 1234 12345

PATTERN Program- 1

Write a program in JAVA to print the Floyd's Triangle. 1  2 3  4 5 6  7 8 9 10  11 12 13 14 15  16 17 18 19 20 21  22 23 24 25 26 27 28 


1-The little girl had never been parted ___her mother before. 2-With a few deft strokes, the artist shaped the block of ice ___ a fish. 3-Ali exchanged shirts with Arun. 4-The property dealer gave us a flat in exchange ___ our old apartment. 5-Excuse me___ interrupting you. 6-Madan asked to be excused ___attending the party. 7-I prefer oral questions ___ subjective questions. 8-He was standing ___the pillar. 9-He sat ___ Harry and Manas. 10-The people had been waiting at the station___ 9 o'clock. 11-He used to live ___ Chandigarh. 12-He disposed  ___ his old motorcycle. 13-We find it difficult to cope (up) ___ maths. 14-He will return ___ 15th March. 15-We have lived in Lucknow ___ 17 years. 16-We have been living in India ___ 1980. 17-We saw a good film ___ the Novelty theatre. 18-You pay either by cheque or ___ cash. 19-They discussed the issue ___ a cup of coffee. 20-I could come here by car or ___ foot. 21-I do not have any complaint _